Biden disputes Saudi account of Khashoggi murder discussion

US President Joe Biden on Saturday is different from Saudi Arabia in their discussion account at the Bilateral Summit about the 2018 murder of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the main dispute point between the two countries.

U.S. Intelligence Agency Believe that the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder in 2018 Khashoggi, a Saudi person who became a critic who had lived in the forced exile of himself in Virginia. Saudi rulers de facto denied it. Answering reporters when he arrived at the White House from his first Middle Eastern trip as President, Biden denied the account of the Saudi Foreign Minister that he did not hear Biden blame Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of the Washington Post columnist, a strong critic of the birth of Saudi Arabia.

Asked whether the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adel Al-Jubeir, said that the truth was in telling the exchange between Biden and Crown Prince, the President said “No”.Jubeir said the crown prince, known as MBS, had told Biden that the kingdom had acted to prevent repetition of mistakes such as Khashoggi’s murder and that the United States had also made mistakes.The minister told Fox News on Saturday that he “did not hear a certain phrase” from Biden blame the crown prince.

A Saudi official who was present at the meeting said the exchange was not as explained by President Biden and discussion about Khashoggi took place before the official meeting with an “informal way”. The official said he did not hear the President to tell the Crown Prince that he considered him responsible for Khashoggi’s murder.Biden, asked if he regretted exchanging the first lump with MBS on Friday, replied: “Why don’t you talk about something important? I like to answer important questions.”

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