Eye on China, Japan and India to boost defence ties

By overseeing China, the Japanese Foreign Minister and Defense on Thursday told Foreign Minister who visited Foreign Minister S Jaisankar and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh that they were examining the “all options” needed for national defense including the “Counterstrike ability”, and would Increase their defense budget substantially to strengthen their abilities. Singh and Jaisankar, who held a meeting of Ministers 2+2 in Tokyo with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and Defense Minister Yasukzu Hamada, expressed their support to improve security and defense cooperation.

“When revealing his determination to examine all the options needed for national defense, including what is called the ‘counter -capability’, the Japanese stated its determination to basically strengthen Japan’s defense capabilities in the next five years and secure the substantial increase of the Japanese defense budget needed for its effects . Acknowledging Japan’s determination to strengthen its defense capabilities, the Indian side expressed its support to work for improving security and defense cooperation, “said a joint statement after the Minister 2+2 meeting.

Without mentioning Chinese quarrels in the region, the statement said: “Recognizing that global cooperation is needed more than before to overcome the security challenges that have become more acute, ministers reiterate their commitment to the global order based on rules that respect sovereignty and territorial integrity They are countries, and emphasize the need for all countries to find peaceful settlement of disputes, in accordance with international law, without using threats or use of any power or effort to unilaterally change the status quo. “” During today’s discussion, we recorded progress in military-to-military cooperation and exchange between the two parties. We shared the general desire to further enhance the scope and complexity of our bilateral training. We have established staff talks and high-level dialogue between The three services and coast guard. I am happy that we have now approved the staff conversation between the joint staff of the Japanese defense forces and Indian integrated defense staff, “Singh said. Japan’s participation for the first time in Milan Milan’s multilateral training and operationalization of reciprocal provision from supply and service agreements in March this year is a milestone in the progress of defense cooperation between our troops. We are happy to note that our Air Force is working together for the initial behavior of the first Air Force warrior training, “he said.

“Increasing defense equipment and technological cooperation between India and Japan is one of our top priority fields. In our meeting today, I have the opportunity to propose involvement in the technological domains that emerged and critical. I also invited Japanese defense companies to see opportunities in investing in the Indian defense corridor, “he said. Jaisankar marks Pandemi Covid-19 and “ongoing conflict” as a “new challenge” and underlines the need to overcome it. “We have witnessed in recent times a very serious development, especially since our last meeting in 2019. Pandemi Covid and ongoing conflicts demanded that we overcome this new challenge,” he said. Dialogue 2+2 lasted more than five months after Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited India for the annual India-Jepang Summit.

A joint statement said the ministers highlighted their commitment to “general strategic objectives to achieve free and open, inclusive and resilient indo-passive, based on the rule of law, and free from coercion. The ministers also reiterated their strong support for ASEAN unity and centrality and their full support for ‘ASEAN views on Indo-Pacific’ which uphold principles such as the rule of law, openness, freedom, transparency and inclusive. ” Underline that ministers have “honest and useful” discussions about regional and global issues that have mutual interests and concerns, especially those in Indo-Pacific and Ukraine, said they also reiterate their commitment in connection with regional security challenges and global.

“We held an extensive discussion on ways to improve maritime cooperation including maritime domain awareness. There is a consensus on both sides that a strong Indian-Japanese relations are very important for free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific based on sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries. Indo-Pacific Oceans initiatives share a lot of similarities with free and open Japanese Indo-Pacific. India has also developed maritime cooperation with regional partners in accordance with our inclusive vision of safety and growth for all in this region, “Singh said.

Jaisankar said that in facing such challenges, the case for India and Japan to collaborate closer to foreign policies and security had become stronger. “Strengthening our foreign policy coordination is very important to realize the true benefits of substantial convergence for our interests and views. They clearly concentrate on Indo-Pacific but extend to many regional, global and multilateral platforms as well. The exchange of views on important situations faced by the international community today is very useful. In parallel, there is an ongoing effort to deepen our defense exchange and explore the fields for practical cooperation, “he said.

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